After we have gained more than 13 years’ experience in marketing, sales, and IT, with my husband created WIRK, at the end of 2014.
For name chose an abbreviation of 4 words embodying the fundamentals on which we believe that the consulting business should be built: WILL, IDEA, REVIVAL, KNOWLEDGE. To depict the company's mission, connected them in the following sentences:
WILL to speak truth to the clients. To say no, but also to say now.
IDEA as a main weapon of the creativity.
REVIVAL of ethics, values, and business goals.
KNOWLEDGE as stable base of everything we do.
In our daily work, we rely on ethical relationships, on working discipline, expert evaluation, and fair communication. In order to offer complete business solutions, we work with more than 40 subcontractors, with whom we proved good relationships over the years. Because the world does not stand still and the talents in it are evolving daily, we are open to search and make new partnerships, too.
All projects go through the following work phases: Analysis - Offer - Contract - Plan - Implementation - Report. Thanks to the gained experience with key global brands, we have the opportunity to offer our services both for the local Bulgarian market and also for the entire world.
We are pleased to use our knowledge and skills for the sustainable development of your business in today’s dynamic times.
P.S. More information about our experience, you can find at LinkedIn:
For us the successful consultant is specialist with over 10 years’ experience in the relevant field, verify his/her skills with necessary academic knowledge. That is why, we believe that hiring a consultant, saves time for studying a particular profession or field of activity which is needed of your business at that moment. This decision can also minimizes the investor’s mistakes due to lack of experience.
Trusting an outside firm with a team of experts, you use diverse skills without being bound by permanent labor contracts. Acquire effective knowledge without experimenting in unverified methods and practices. Paying only the time required to complete a project or task without investing in unproductive working hours. Thus, despite higher hourly rates than those on the labor market, you are saving time and financial resources of your company.
This is our vision of the consultancy business. We do not support or tolerate the practices spread over the last 5-10 years, consultants being called people with knowledge acquired from questionable schools, conferences, or seminars and with less than 10 years of experience. The free professions and free market are wonderful things, but let's differentiate the experts from those who still have to gain skills and competences to be employed at middle or senior management levels.